Clean Energy Regulatory Forum IV

ACSF has established a biannual workshop for industry professionals and environmental advocates to develop new regulatory options for promoting a cleaner, low carbon electricity sector. The 4th workshop in this series was held on November 8-9, 2012, near the headquarters of the PJM Interconnection in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.


M. Gary Helm, PJM Interconnection, Coal Plant Retirements: Potential Impacts of Reduced Energy Demand, Low Natural Gas Prices and the Mercury & Air Toxics Standards Rule

Susan Covino, PJM Interconnection, Resource Adequacy Planning

Paul McGlynn, PJM Interconnection, PJM’s Compliance With FERC Order 1000

Allison Clements, The Sustainable FERC Project, Natural Resources Defense Council, FERC Priorities

Michael Goggin, American Wind Energy Association, Wind Integration and FERC

Ken Schuyler, PJM Interconnection, Paying for System Flexibility: Status of New Ancillary Services

Shucheng Liu, California ISO, System Flexibility for Integrating 33% Renewable Generation in California ISO

Nivad Navid, Midwest ISO, Managing Flexibility in MISO Markets

James T. Gallagher, New York ISO, Integrating Renewable and Variable Energy Resources in the New York Electricity Market

Jonathan Lowell, ISO New England, Paying for System Flexibility

Paul McGlynn, PJM Interconnection, Incorporating State Energy Policy Goals into Regional Electricity Market

Synopsis of Workshop Agenda

November 8, 2012:

1:00 – 2:00pm – Tour of PJM Facilities

2:15 – 5:00pm – Presentations from PJM Staff

  • Coal Retirements – Gary Helm
  • Resource Adequacy Planning – Susan Covino
  • FERC Order 1000 – Paul McGlynn

6:00pm – Welcome Reception and Dinner

November 9, 2012:

8:30am – Welcome and Opening Remarks – Greg Staple, American Clean Skies Foundation

8:45am – Review of FERC Variable Energy Resources (VER) Rules and Update on FERC Proceedings. Panelists include:

  • Glen Boshart, Industry Editor/Analyst, SNL Energy (moderator)
  • Allison Clements, Director, The Sustainable FERC Project, NRDC
  • Michael Goggin, Manager of Transmission Policy, American Wind Energy Association

10:15am – Networking break

10:30am – Paying for System Flexibility: Status of New Ancillary Services to Accommodate Intermittent Resources. Panelists include:

  • Rich Sedano, Principal and Director of US Programs, Regulatory Assistance Project (moderator)
  • Ken Schuyler, Manager, Renewable Services, PJM
  • Shucheng Liu, Principal, Market Development, CAISO
  • Nivad Navid, Market Development and Analysis, MISO
  • James Gallagher, Senior Manager for Strategic and Business Planning, NYISO
  • Jonathan Lowell, Principal Analyst, ISO-NE

12:30pm – Lunch

1:15pm – Incorporating State Energy Policy Goals Into Regional Electricity Markets. Panelists include:

  • Greg Staple, CEO, American Clean Skies Foundation (moderator)
  • Paul McGlynn, Director, System Planning, PJM
  • Malcolm Woolf, Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs, Advanced Energy Economy (AEE), and former Director, Maryland Energy Administration
  • Robert Powelson, Chairman, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission

3:30pm – Networking break

3:45pm – Group discussion about potential federal, state, and ISO mechanisms and policies for improving system flexibility.

5:00pm – Adjourn